Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA, January 29, 2020 - enVogue Image is ecstatic to announce Caelee Vercueil as Brand Ambassador for the fashion photography brand.
Caelee is a perfect fit into the enVogue Image family as the embodiment of elegance, style and sophistication. She is inside out beautiful with a kind heart and is passionate about inspiring people to express themselves with passion, optimism, strength and style. Her ambition is electric! She is someone we truly believe in and and are honored to be associated with.
Who is Caelee?

Caelee is a South African born professional performer who sings and dances for a living in addition to being a model.
Birthday Month: November
Star Sign: Scorpio
Raised in: Belville, Cape Town
Instagram Handle:
Modelling Agency: Sync Models
Her job is about being real, being vulnerable, being humble and being able to share and touch the lives of others. It is such a rewarding feeling to her knowing that she is capable of making a difference to somebody's life even if it is as simple helping to add a smile to somebody's face.
Every time she sees the love and appreciation emanating from her audiences faces she gets reminded of why she does what she this. Her love for music and performing are beside touching the hearts of people as the very reason she is so passionate about what she does.
What really matters to her?
She is a HUGE animal lover. She has four dogs of her own and one of them adopted from Ark Animal Rescue Centre. Ark is a non-profit, no-suffer center that specializes in rehabilitating and re-homing puppies and pregnant dogs. She loves to show her support by attending regular events hosted by Ark Animal to raise funds and re-home the rescues. She also likes to visit Ark Animal to spend some one on one time with the pups and volunteer to walk the dogs so that they can burn off any excess energy and get some much needed exercise. If you would like to support her on this cause, please get in touch and lets together make a difference.
Tell us something about your past that has shaped who you are?
When she was 14 years old one of her very close friends had passed away very unexpectedly. He was such a beautiful soul with an extremely bright future ahead of him but unfortunately that was all taken away and he didn't get the chance to fulfill his dreams. It made her realize that "everyday is a gift and not a given right"... From that day forward she made the conscious decision to let every step she takes be a step closer toward her dreams and making them a reality.
Waking up each morning is our first blessing...

Why Did you choose enVogue Image?
"enVogue Image" as a brand represents Style, Sophistication & Elegance and which resonates really well with me.
I have experienced professionalism, respect, and great work ethic. This made me feel comfortable and allowed me to be my best. I have also experienced the high standards and quality which is what I pride myself on too.
All of these values are really important to me.
Most of all we have fun on shoots and share a passion for excellence...
I am energised by the thought of what we can do when our brands come together.
A perfect fit!

About "enVogue Image":
A photography brand all about
which started from a love for people, photography and fashion.
A Johannesburg based service launched in May 2018.
Known to incorporate the South Africa's gorgeous surrounds and architecture in editorial style portraiture.